Friday, July 29, 2011

Premium Carports, Barns, and Steel Structures now available!

Cool Shed's is now an authorized and certified "Bennett Buildings Carports and Steel Structures", dealer. Bennett offers the highest quality materials and service in the United States. Here is a list of reasons of why our product is the the best in the market.

1. All of our materials...all the way back to where we source our steel is "Made in the USA". No Chinese or Mexican materials.

2. All of our installers are English speaking Americans. Our customers will have no problem communicating to the installers that arrive at their house to build the structure. This also means that our money goes to support American workers, their families, and our American economy!

3. Our steel materials are grade one quality. Most other manufacturers are using grade two for both their galvanized steel framing and the ribbed sheet metal.

4. Galvanized steel framing is the industry standard. Different companies use different strength quality as well. We use 14 gauge on our smaller stuff and 12 gauge framing on our lager stuff. We use galv-alum, with UV coating. What this means to you the customer is very simple. Our product does not get the white chalky residue (called white rust). It also means that our framing comes with a 20 year warranty. Our competitors offer no warranty or you have to upgrade to a 12 gauge steel for them to offer a warranty. We offer a full warranty for both our 14 gauge and 12 gauge framing.

5. The metal that we use to cover our buildings are also top grade. Our standard US Steel panels come with a 10 year warranty. You can also upgrade to an energy star rated grade one panel. This is the highest quality metal made. It is the same metal used for roofing houses and commercial buildings. We offer it 20 colors and this comes with a 40 year warranty. Yes! A 40 year warranty.

6. An added bonus is the colored screws. Some companies offer colored screws, which is a nice touch, but they don't exact color match. This is because they buy from China. Our US based company makes the screws and the metal, so that we get exact color matches.

7. Speaking of matching colors, we are also able to match colors for both our out swing doors as well as our roll-up doors. This is a very nice touch to any building. Matching Doors!

8. Windows are another option we have upgraded. We do not use bottom line cheap windows. We have opted for an upgraded window with the boxed window pane look to it.

9. Installation is a big problem right now for many companies. Standard install time is currently 5-8 weeks. Our current install time 3-4 weeks and we have been able to install our last set of orders in 2 weeks.

10. Our overall design uses a better machine to bend the metal. Our framing has a long smooth look to our corner bends, as opposed to a triple puncture bend currently used by most other manufacturers. Also our UV treated galv-alum framing has a glossy shine to it, making it really stand apart from the standard galvanized steel.

Our product, service, and speed of delivery is far superior to the industry standards currently being used. You deserve more for your money than the standard. Let us give you something you will be proud of and give you the satisfaction of our 20 year / 40 year warranty.

Give us a call if you would like to find out more. We are currently offering our products to NC, SC, GA, and northern FL.

Call us Toll Free 1-855-25-SHEDS

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